About us

Hello! My name is Jani and I'm the founder of Epica. At Epica we have a slightly different structure than you might be used to. Instead of having a local warehouse, where products are brought in and stored for up to several weeks before being manually shipped out, we have an agreement with the factory that manufactures the product, where they send the product to you.

Doing it like this, we avoid all warehousing costs and get cheaper shipping costs as there is only one transport - directly from the factory to you.

This allows us to have a lot of freedom in terms of not only product selection, we also get more time and money to spend on things that matter to you, such as customer service, our guarantees and our quantity discounts. In short, this structure allows us to spend much more time on things that make customers really satisfied.

As a long term business owner, I've noticed that "Happy customers are repeat customers" and decided to make it my motto. It's simply good business philosophy to put extra effort into making customers as happy as possible. And if you look around, I think you'll see that reflected in our guarantees and offers. We almost always have a heavy discount if you buy more than one product.

Now that you're a little more informed about our business, I wish you a pleasant shopping experience.

Best regards, Jani and the employees of Epica